Two very different food pyramids

I read The Omnivore’s Dilemma and came away with, I though, I good picture of how the Farm Bill works against us.

As much as I hate to cite a single author in two consecutive posts, Micheal Pollan’s bookdid a lot to spark foodie — and media — interest in the Farm Bill. (I’m too lazy to link to him or his book. Go to the previous post if you’re that in the dark.) And since the discrepence between what that legislation subsidizes and what is in the public’s best interest has been covered in detail.

But the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine makes it ever clearer with one simple visual. On the right, the USDA’s Food Pyramid. On the left, what the US government subsidizes through direct payments to farmers and programs like school lunch and food stamps.

It puts what Nadine Fisher told me (notably “I don’t know that the Food Stamp Program has adapted to anything.”) into a whole new light for me. Yes, that teeny tiny point on top is for fruits and vegetables.

Via Serious Eats